
What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a condition when bones are weakened and brittle resulting in fragility and more likely to break from a fall or even little stresses exerted on the bones. Bones are always changing as new bones are made and old bone is broken down. In young age, bones are built faster than it breaks down old bones. 

Risk Factors

There are several risk factors to be noted, for example:

  • Gender – Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men

  • Older age

  • History of falls and prior fracture

  • Genetics (Family History)

  • Medications affecting bone strength

There are also risk factors where appropriate lifestyles can reduce likelihood of osteoporosis:

  • Smoking & Alcohol consumption

  • Weight loss and malnutrition

  • Stress

  • Lack of physical activities


Typically there are no symptoms in early bone loss however once the bones are weakened by osteoporosis. Signs to look out for include:

  • Bone fractures

  • Change in posture

  • Loss of height over time

  • Lower back pain

Common injuries due to osteoporosis include broken wrist, arm, pelvis, hip fracture, and as worst as broken spinal bones. Sneezing and coughing can also result in broken rib and may cause pain.



It is best to prevent bone loss progression before developing osteoporosis. Refer to our Bone Health article for more information. Medications used to treat osteoporosis may include:

  • Bisphosphonates - There are several formulations both as oral tablet and injection with various dosing schedules (daily, monthly, weekly, and yearly)

  • Biologic Therapy injection

  • Hormone or hormone-related therapy

  • Anabolic Agents

When should you see a doctor?

If you are concerned over your bone health and risk factor for osteoporosis, you may contact Thonburi Bamrungmuang Hospital for accurate screening and check-up.




What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a condition when bones are weakened and brittle resulting in fragility and more likely to break from a fall or even little stresses exerted on the bones. Bones are always changing as new bones are made and old bone is broken down. In young age, bones are built faster than it breaks down old bones. 

Risk Factors

There are several risk factors to be noted, for example:

  • Gender – Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men

  • Older age

  • History of falls and prior fracture

  • Genetics (Family History)

  • Medications affecting bone strength

There are also risk factors where appropriate lifestyles can reduce likelihood of osteoporosis:

  • Smoking & Alcohol consumption

  • Weight loss and malnutrition

  • Stress

  • Lack of physical activities


Typically there are no symptoms in early bone loss however once the bones are weakened by osteoporosis. Signs to look out for include:

  • Bone fractures

  • Change in posture

  • Loss of height over time

  • Lower back pain

Common injuries due to osteoporosis include broken wrist, arm, pelvis, hip fracture, and as worst as broken spinal bones. Sneezing and coughing can also result in broken rib and may cause pain.



It is best to prevent bone loss progression before developing osteoporosis. Refer to our Bone Health article for more information. Medications used to treat osteoporosis may include:

  • Bisphosphonates - There are several formulations both as oral tablet and injection with various dosing schedules (daily, monthly, weekly, and yearly)

  • Biologic Therapy injection

  • Hormone or hormone-related therapy

  • Anabolic Agents

When should you see a doctor?

If you are concerned over your bone health and risk factor for osteoporosis, you may contact Thonburi Bamrungmuang Hospital for accurate screening and check-up.

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