Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma can only be treated by means of reducing eye pressure to allow drainage of fluid in the eye. The damaged optic nerve is irreversible and cannot be cured. There are 3 ways to treat glaucoma:

  1. Topical Medication to reduce production of fluid in the eye or increase drainage of the fluid to reduce eye pressure

  2. Laser treatment to control eye pressure and increase fluid drainage.  An ophthalmologist treats with laser when the topical medication does not work.

  3. Surgery is the last resort if laser treatment does not work. Two approaches can be done, to increase fluid drainage with various surgical technique or use drainage tube to help.



Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma can only be treated by means of reducing eye pressure to allow drainage of fluid in the eye. The damaged optic nerve is irreversible and cannot be cured. There are 3 ways to treat glaucoma:

  1. Topical Medication to reduce production of fluid in the eye or increase drainage of the fluid to reduce eye pressure

  2. Laser treatment to control eye pressure and increase fluid drainage.  An ophthalmologist treats with laser when the topical medication does not work.

  3. Surgery is the last resort if laser treatment does not work. Two approaches can be done, to increase fluid drainage with various surgical technique or use drainage tube to help.

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